What is the difference between c02 and c02e | 15Rock
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March 7, 2023
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What is the difference between c02 and c02e | 15Rock

In order to sustainably manage climate change, it's important to understand the difference between these two types of carbon

You may have heard of the terms c02 and CO2e in the news lately, but what do they mean?

And why does it matter? c02 is a greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned. CO2e is c02 equivalent, which considers all greenhouse gases, not just c02. The Kyoto Protocol requires countries to reduce their emissions of CO2e, so it is essential to understand the difference between c02 and CO2e. This blog post will discuss the difference between c02 and CO2e and explain why it matters for our environment!

What is CO2, and what is CO2e

Greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide are essential for life on Earth. They trap solar energy inside our atmosphere, preventing temperatures from becoming too extreme and making it possible to live comfortably worldwide.

Think of how cold space is. Do you ever wonder why the earth isn't freezing? The answer is in the greenhouse gases; they keep the world warm and allow us not to have to skate to work in California or wherever we are in the summer. Like your heater going out of control, the problem is that it creates many problems for humans if it gets too hot.

C02 is a greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned.

C02 equivalent, or "c02e," expresses the global-warming potential of different greenhouse gases. It allows emissions from various sources to be compared and added up.

The difference between the two c02 and c02e

So c02 is a gas emitted when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.

CO c02e considers all greenhouse gases, including c02, so it's a way of measuring the "equivalent" global warming impact of different gases.

Why does it matter to climate change

Greenhouse gases are potent at trapping heat while in the atmosphere. For this reason, they have a specific global warming potential that can be measured by two major factors: how effective it is at absorbing solar radiation and what percentage of its lifetime remains before breaking down or getting airborne. There are also different sources for these gasses within human activities like burning fossil fuels which produce carbon dioxide (a natural component found all over Earth), trees being logged/cut Dow, which decreases the amount of carbon dioxide that gets taken in, and livestock farming which emits methane (a gas 23 times more potent than c02).

All these factors need to be considered when looking at c02e because they all play a role in how much heat is trapped. In other words, it's essential to know not just how much c02 we're emitting but also what kind of c02 it is and where it's coming from.

How can we reduce our CO2 emissions to help against climate change

Fortunately, there are many ways we can reduce our c02 emissions! Here are a few things you can do to help:

  • Engage companies to understand their transition plans
  • Take actions in your own life to reduce emissions.
  • Consider your relationships with brands. It's great for a company that asks you to bring in your bags to avoid plastic bags. Still, you should be able to ask them precisely what they are doing to reduce their emissions (shameless plug: 15Rock's solution tracks this for companies to disclose to people like you and investors managing your savings).

This is a very challenging problem and not as simple as everyone planting trees or driving electric cars; this requires a significant change in how we operate. We do not expect a massive shift on day one, but we need to start moving in the right direction to reduce the planet's carbon footprint.

What are some of the benefits of reducing our CO2 emissions

It starts with climate change then trickles into the rest of our lives. There are so many, but to name a few.

  1. Less weather-related instability in the world
  2. Less resource contains with food and other materials
  3. Less impact on supply chains - that coffee you enjoy in the morning travels a long way to get to you!
  4. Less geopolitical uncertainty - Wars started for much less than the above issues.
  5. Less chance of forced migration as water levels rises across sea-based cities.

It starts with you having conversations with companies and investors to reduce the planet's warming potential and carbon footprint.

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